Tuesday Advanced Volleyball - Winter
Tuesday Advanced Volleyball - Winter
Tuesday 6v6 Indoor Volleyball
Tuesdays starting January 28th
Located at The Flats at East-West University (829 S Wabash)
Game times are 7:00pm and 8:00pm (7 games guaranteed)
7 week season
For experienced players with competitive volleyball experience. BB/B+
Players signing up should know how to run a 5-1 or 6-2 and pass and serve with 90% proficiency. Experiences should include (but are not limited to) high level HS Varsity, College Club or Division I-III, etc.
If you are unsure of your level or do not yet meet the above criteria, please sign up for our Thursday intermediate league.
NO TEAM - NO PROBLEM! We can add you to an existing team or a team consisting of other new/individual players.
Recommended roster size: 10-12 players
Winning team receives a $100 credit toward the following season.
Signing up for two leagues? Use code ‘PLAYMORE’ to get 5% off of both leagues
Reach out to volleyball@womenssportschicago.com to learn more.